As of 9.1.24: 1,224 entries ● 11,400 map visits ● 2,700 website visits
As of 9.1.24: 1,224 entries ● 11,400 map visits ● 2,700 website visits
Some of the most important work Place Name Dude has accomplished is discovering and correcting erroneous history. From toponyms being assigned to wrong features, to toponyms being misspelled, to the stories behind toponyms being false, Place Name Dude is committed to high fidelity history. Place Name Dude has discovered 68 naming and etymological mistakes.
Alec La Mountain Mountain is misspelled for eponym Alex Lamountain
Anthony Ponds were never visited by Theophilus Anthony and may be named for a colonel Anthony
Ash Craft Brook and Ash Craft Pond are probably misspellings of the name Ashcraft
Barret Bay is misspelled for eponym Roger Barrett
Barn Rock is a corruption of Barren Rock
Belfry Mountain is misspelled for eponyms George Balfrey and Mary Hennesey Balfrey
Berrymill Brook, Berrymill Hill, and Berrymill Pond are misspelled for Berry Mill Company
Bubb Lake is misspelled for eponym Otis "Bub" Nathaniel Arnold Jr.
Bull Rush Bay is a misspelling of bulrush
Cameras Pond is probably misspelled for likely eponym Giulio Camus
Cary Pond is a corruption of Carry Pond
Chateaugay Narrows, Chateaugay River, Lower Chateaugay Lake, and Upper Chateaugay Lake do not employ a translation of French terms meaning "hospitable house"
Craig Harbor is a corruption of Crag Harbor
Crane Mountain and Crane Mountain Pond are not named after cranes or for surveyor Moses Crain
Ely Mountain is misspelled for eponym Eli Kenell
Esther Mountain is not named for Esther McComb since her existence was fictitious
Frie Flow is misspelled for the eponymous Fry family
Goodnow Flow, Goodnow Mountain, Goodnow Pond, and Goodnow River are misspelled for eponyms Sylvester Goodenow and Abigail Goodenow
Grass River is not spelled Grasse, an earlier French name does not translate to Fertile River, and it's probably not named after its grassy banks
Hale Brook and Hale Hill are misspelled for the eponymous Halen family
Hamlin Bay is misspelled for eponym Niles Hamblin
Hazeltine Hill is misspelled for Samuel Haseltine, or perhaps Hesseltine
Kary Mountain is misspelled for eponym James Kerry
Kate Mountain is misspelled for the eponymous Cate family
Kelley Brook is misspelled for possible eponyms Michael Kelly or Martin Kelly
Kennels Pond is misspelled for eponym Eli Kenell
Kerby Point is misspelled for eponyms John Kirby and William Kirby
Lindsey Brook is misspelled for the eponymous Lindsay family
Little Far Mountain and Old Far Mountain are misspelled for eponym Randall Farr
Louis Clearing Bay is misspelled for eponym Robert Lewis
Lower Wolfjaw Mountain and Upper Wolfjaw Mountain were not named by state surveyor Verplanck Colvin
MacDonough Mountain has been assigned to the wrong mountain
Marble Mountain is probably misspelled for the eponymous Malbone family
Masher Vly is misspelled for the eponymous Mosher family
McColloms Pond is misspelled for eponym Amiel McCollum
Meade Mountain and Meade Pond are misspelled for the eponymous Mead family
Mount Marcy was never named Tahawus and was nameless when first ascended in 1837
Mount Overrocker is misspelled for eponym Michael Overacker
Peavine Creek is a corruption of Pea Vine
Pillsbury Bay, Pillsbury Lake, and Pillsbury Mountain are misspelled for eponym Louis Pilsbury
Rickerson Brook is misspelled for eponym William Ricketson
Sanburn Hill is misspelled for eponym Joseph Sanborn
Sawteeth enjoyed a name of Resegone, yet that name does not translate to The Kings Great Saw since it's a replication of the Italian toponym Mount Resegone
Schofield Hill and Schofield Pond are misspelled for the eponymous Scofield family
Styles Brook is misspelled for eponym Silas Stiles
Van Dorrien Mountain is misspelled for eponym Sophus Von Dorrien
Wakely Brook, Wakely Dam, Wakely Mountain, and Wakely Pond are misspelled for eponym William Wakeley
Winch Pond is not named after that piece of hardware
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